Wednesday, July 29, 2009


A few weeks ago Brigitte and I took the kids down to the Zoo. It was an adventure with 4 kids in tow, but they all enjoyed it. All Boston wanted was to ride on the train and get cotton candy. Lincoln and Brooklyn enjoyed the scenic route in the double stroller.

Happy Birthday Lincoln

Our little man is now one years old. Time has flown by and the days of getting up every two hours to feed have quickly turned into a full nights sleep and tons of memories. I think it is amazing how quickly a baby grows, this past year has been filled with milestones and achievements for Lincoln. While I do remember the days of being a newly married couple, I would never change the life that we have made for ourselves. Children are a blessing and forever change your life, as our children grow and learn new things Ben and I also grow and learn.

Happy Birthday Lincoln, we love you and are so happy you are a part of our family.

Love Mom, Dad, and big sister